11 Ergebnisse für: xfb
Dolphin Emulator - Dolphin 5.0 Release
Dolphin 5.0 Release Video The long awaited Dolphin 5.0 release is finally here! After nearly a year of bug-hunting and handling the release process, everything has come together for our biggest release yet! The three previous releases followed a very…
PHP Sicherheit: Local & Remote File Inclusion - Webmaster Tipps
PHP Sicherheit: Local & Remote File Inclusion. In diesem Tutorial geht es um File Inclusion in PHP-Anwendungen. Was ist das? Wie nutzen es Angreifer aus?
Dolphin Emulator - Dolphin 4.0.2 Release Announcement
One month after the 4.0.1 release we're releasing the maintenance release 4.0.2. It turned out that some critical regressions had slipped into the 4.0 release due to the major changes linked to the wii-network branch and the global user directory changes.…
Dolphin Emulator - Game Modification: 60 FPS Hacks in Dolphin
Playing a game in Dolphin instead of the GameCube or Wii can make a huge difference in visual quality. With HD output, Dolphin can [bring the best](https://dolphin-emu.org/media/) out of many stunning titles. But beyond that, an assortment of crazy…
Dolphin Emulator - Obituary for 32-bit
[Ten years ago](https://dolphin-emu.org/blog/2013/09/29/ten-years-dolphin/) Dolphin was a very limited program designed to run in only one environment. It was a 32-bit Windows application that required Direct3D 9 with no alternatives. A lot of things have…
ZDB-Katalog - Detailnachweis: Mémoire de la Classe...
ZDB Zeitschriftendatenbank
Dolphin Emulator - Pixel Processing Problems: On the Road to Pixel Perfection
The GameCube GPU is a complex, tight-knit piece of hardware with impressive features for its time. It is so powerful and so flexible, it was used unmodified within the Wii architecture. For a comparison, just imagine a SNES running with an NES's graphics…
Zwei Mal die Weltgeschichte aufgenommen - F.A.Z. PLUS
Richard Drew, der am 11. September 2001 den „Falling Man“ fotografierte, war auch bei der Ermordung Robert F. Kennedys vor 50 Jahren dabei. Von Alf...
Steinherz - F.A.Z. PLUS
In der Nacht zum Samstag probt in der Gaststätte „Zur Linde“ der Gesangsverein. Er hat den oberen Saal gemietet. Parterre bespielen vier ältere Her...
Historische Karten von Bayern - Suche:
Die Bayerische Landesbibliothek Online (BLO) ist das zentrale kulturwissenschaftliche Portal zur Geschichte und Kultur Bayerns, Frankens und Schwabens. Es vereint zahlreiche elektronische Angebote. Die einzelnen Module und Sammelschwerpunkte sind jeweils…