23 Ergebnisse für: wici
Wici Cymru auf Twitter: "Percentage of female articles now on Welsh Wikipedia: 53%, rising! https://t.co/xzjzeRixNS… https://t.co/UCTm01MifI"
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Wici Cymru auf Twitter: "My favourite slide: places beginning with 'Llan' . 'Llan' - Breton: lan; Cornish: lann; Pictish: lhan enwiki: https://t.co/VTrvVpaFbr Data / map: https://t.co/5sMi425bgo The name of the relevant saint often follows eg "Llanfair" is the parish around the church of St. Mair.… https://t.co/1q7pqPyCP2"
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"Web Intelligence" - Google-Suche
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"Web Intelligence" - Google-Suche
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VIGNERON Nicolas auf Twitter: "something like https://t.co/9vYrVYpGzq ; a lot of data are missing… https://t.co/rLXqcvroFB"
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Léa ~ Auregann auf Twitter: "#CelticKnot 1000 places in UK that have no label in Welsh in #Wikidata (you can replace "cy" by your language code) https://t.co/m9zJfatxUO"
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Navino Evans auf Twitter: "Here you go @espejolento, hopefully this should do it! Women born in Latin America without a Spanish article: https://t.co/nwvqxZLGXj Happy to help further if you have any questions :)… https://t.co/cMyaxQhHJX"
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VIGNERON Nicolas auf Twitter: "#dataviz mégalithes du monde sur @Wikidata par type ; on repère de jolis motifs types par zones https://t.co/RvFId1mOw6"
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Philipp Müller - Munzinger Biographie
Biographie: Müller, Philipp; Schweizer Politiker und Unternehmer; FDP. Die Liberalen
Elisabeth Kopp - Munzinger Biographie
Biographie: Kopp, Elisabeth; Schweizer Politikerin; Bundesrätin (1984-1989)