28 Ergebnisse für: westboro
Westboro Baptist Church on the Jeremy Kyle Show 1/4 - YouTube
Westboro Baptist Church on Jeremy Kyle Show
Nate Phelps Speaks Out Against The Westboro Church and Fred Phelps - YouTube
Nate Phelps is the son of Pastor Fred Phelps of the Westboro Baptist Church, which gained infamy from their protests at soldiers' funerals around the United ...
The Most Hated Family in America (1 of 8) - YouTube
TV documentary written and presented by the BBC's Louis Theroux about the Phelps family, at the heart of the Westboro Baptist Church. Mirrored upload of http...
Westboro Baptist Church: Warriors for God? - YouTube
ABC News' Nick Watt spent a weekend with the infamous religious group to get an inside look. How will church members react when they face those they publicly...
OFFICIAL Video: Russell Brand Interviews Westboro Baptist Church - YouTube
Russell seeks common ground with the notoriously anti-gay leaders. Subscribe to Russell Brand on YouTube: http://goo.gl/fuVrX LIKE Russell on Facebook: https...
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Reese Witherspoon produziert Film über Sekte
Keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
Nachruf auf Fred Phelps: Der Hassprediger aus Topeka - taz.de
Einer der provozierendsten US-Aktivisten ist tot. „Gott hasst Schwuchteln!“ war sein Motto. Seinen Schwulenhass nimmt Fred Phelps mit ins Grab.
Shirley Phelps-Roper on Fox News - YouTube
This crazy, delusional nut job gets torn a new one on FOX News with Julie Banderas. It is a must watch! Visit www.GayRightsWatch.com for more.