29 Ergebnisse für: wahhabi
The Wahhabi Mission and Saudi Arabia - David Commins - Google Books
This book reveals the theories that inspire al-Qaeda. There is no other accessible book on the subject. This is the sect that threatens the stability of Saudi Arabia and the Middle East. Wahhabism has been generating controversy since it first emerged in…
The Wahhabi Mission and Saudi Arabia - David Commins - Google Books
The history of the Wahhabis' close, loyal alliance with the ancestors of the present Saudi royal family has been recounted in fascinating, and persuasive detail by David Commins. His conclusion is no less startling as it is important, that Wahhabi hegemony…
Wahhabi Islam : From Revival and Reform to Global Jihad: From Revival and ... - Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding Georgetown University Natana J. Delong-Bas Senior Research Assistant - Google Books
Before 9/11, few Westerners had heard of Wahhabism. Today, it is a household word. Frequently mentioned in association with Osama bin Laden, Wahhabism is portrayed by the media and public officials as an intolerant, puritanical, militant interpretation of…
Al Qaeda’s Global Crisis: The Islamic State, Takfir and the Genocide of Muslims - V. G. Julie Rajan - Google Êíèãè
This book focuses on the crises facing Al Qaeda and how the mass killing of Muslims is challenging its credibility as a leader among Islamist jihadist organizations. The book argues that these crises are directly related to Al Qaeda’s affiliation with the…
Schiiten zum Teil weiter in Haft | Amnesty International
Drei 14 bis 16-jährige Jugendliche wurden um den 24. März in Saudi-Arabien freigelassen. Fünf weitere Personen befinden sich wohl immer noch ohne Kontakt zur Außenwelt in Haft. Ihnen droht Folter.
Islamic Roots of Capitalism: Egypt, 1760-1840 - Peter Gran - Google Books
Challenging the ethnocentric notion that a capitalist economy could only be transferred to the peripheral states through contact with Europe, this text argues that the capitalist transformation of the Egyptian economy was begun by Muslim merchants and…
The Arms and Armour of Arabia in the 18Th-19th and 20th Centuries - Robert Elgood - Google Books
In the eighteenth, nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the Arab nomads who inhabited a great stretch of the Near East from Aleppo in northern Syria to the southern shores of the Arabian peninsula continued a way of life virtually unchanged from the…
The Ottomans in Syria: a history of justice and oppression - Dick Douwes - Google Books
Though the Ottoman state administered vast and complex territories, its capabilities were limited and resources and manpower scarce. The resort of coercion became a vital policy. Dick Douwes examines the Syrian interior during the period from 1785 to 1841…
Kontrapunkt: Ehrung für eine Islamistin - Meinung - Tagesspiegel
Tawakkul Karman ist Friedensnobelpreisträgerin – als erste arabische Frau überhaupt – und sie ist Aktivistin im jemenitischen Zweig der Muslimbrüder.