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OP 1664 - U.S. Explosive Ordnance (Vol. 2); Part 5 - Land Mines and Firing Devices; Chapter 16 - Fuzes and Firing Devices: Tension and Release Firing Device M3
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a-cappella-komposition - Google-Suche
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Deutsche Predigten des XIII Jahrhunderts zum Erstenmal - Franz Karl Grieshaber - Google Books
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De sublimi in evangelio Christi juxta divinam Verbi incarnati œconomian - Martin Gerbert (freiherr von Hornau.) - Google Books
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Abtei Gerleve · Rundgang - Abtei Gerleve
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Datt, Johann Philipp: Volumen Rerum Germanicarum Novum, Sive De Pace Imperii Publica Libri V: ad illustrandam publicae pacis, regimenti, camerae imperialis, Vemicorum Westphaliae iudiciorum, foederum imperii eiusque statuum ... statusque seculi XII. XIII. XIV. & XV. publici historiam, ex antiquis legibus, rescriptis Caesarum, actis & recessibus comitiorum veterum ... (Ulm, 1698) [VD17 3:002461K]
Datt, Johann Philipp: Volumen Rerum Germanicarum Novum, Sive De Pace Imperii Publica Libri V: ad illustrandam publicae pacis, regimenti, camerae imperialis, Vemicorum Westphaliae iudiciorum, foederum imperii eiusque statuum ... statusque seculi XII. XIII.…
bibliotheca Augustana
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bibliotheca Augustana
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bibliotheca Augustana
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