435 Ergebnisse für: uranium
Carstens Werkstätten - Uranglasuren - Uranium glaze
Homepage, Uranglasuren,Fotos,Fossilien,"Frank Pintschka", Uranium glaze
Uranium 1998: Resources, Production and Demand - Nuclear Energy Agency, OECD - Google Books
The events characterising the world uranium market in the last several years illustrate the persistent uncertainty faced by uranium producers and consumers worldwide. With world nuclear capacity expanding and uranium production satisfying only about 60 per…
Forty Years of Uranium Resources, Production and Demand in Perspective: "the ... - OECD Nuclear Energy Agency - Google Books
The "Red Book", jointly prepared by the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency and the International Atomic Energy Agency, is a recognised world reference source on the uranium industry. This publication collates and analyses key information drawn from the twenty…
FTD.de - Industrie - Nachrichten - Fusion schafft zweitgröÃten Uranschürfer der Welt
Die Uranproduzenten SXR Uranium One und Urasia Energy planen den Zusammenschluss zum weltweit zweitgröÃten Hersteller von Kernbrennstoffen. Uranium One bietet 0,45 eigene Anteile für jede Urasia Aktie. Das entspricht einem Wert von 2,9 Mrd. $ (2,24 Mrd.…
uranium Mining in Iran - Google-Suche
Keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
Milliarden-Übernahme: Neuer Uran-Riese entsteht - n-tv.de
Der kanadische Uranproduzent SXR Uranium One übernimmt den einheimischen Konkurrenten UrAsia Energy im Zuge eines Aktientauschs. Uranium One wird dadurch zum zweitgrößten Uranproduzenten der Welt. Die Aktien der neuen Gesellschaft werden einen Börsenwert…
Plasma and High Frequency Processes for Obtaining and Processing Materials ... - I. N. Toumanov - Google Books
Contents: New Trends in the Development of Nuclear Fuel Cycle; General Analysis of Plasma Techniques for Applications in Chemical Technology and Metallurgy; Plasma Techniques and Technology in the Processes of Opening-Up of Ores and Ore Concentrates;…
Plasma and High Frequency Processes for Obtaining and Processing Materials ... - I. N. Toumanov - Google Books
Contents: New Trends in the Development of Nuclear Fuel Cycle; General Analysis of Plasma Techniques for Applications in Chemical Technology and Metallurgy; Plasma Techniques and Technology in the Processes of Opening-Up of Ores and Ore Concentrates;…
Mineralienatlas Lexikon - Namibia/Erongo, Region/Swakopmund, Kreis/Arandis/Rössing Uranium Mine
Keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
Nuclear Free: Uranium mining unsafe, unnecessary, unwanted. - YouTube
The uranium industry in Australia has a proven track record of: Failed standards, radioactive leaks and spills; unresolved radioactive waste problems; harm t...