39 Ergebnisse für: torpedoboats
The Imperial German Navy (Hochseeflotte), Torpedoboats, Hochseeflotte Ships, Torpedoboats
GroÃes Torpedoboot 1916 History
The Imperial German Navy (Hochseeflotte), GroÃes Torpedoboot 1916 History, Torpedoboats, GroÃes Torpedoboot 1916, They were the most powerful torpedoboats build by the German Navy at their time - the first German
GroÃes Torpedoboot 1898
The Imperial German Navy (Hochseeflotte), GroÃes Torpedoboot 1898, Torpedoboats, GroÃes Torpedoboot 1898, The first larger, ocean going torpedo boats in the Hochseeflotte.
GroÃes Torpedoboot 1898 History
The Imperial German Navy (Hochseeflotte), GroÃes Torpedoboot 1898 History, Torpedoboats, GroÃes Torpedoboot 1898, The first larger, ocean going torpedo boats in the Hochseeflotte.
GroÃes Torpedoboot 1913 History
The Imperial German Navy (Hochseeflotte), GroÃes Torpedoboot 1913 History, Torpedoboats, GroÃes Torpedoboot 1913, Largest class of torpedo boats build by the German Hochseeflotte
GroÃes Torpedoboot 1916Mob History
The Imperial German Navy (Hochseeflotte), GroÃes Torpedoboot 1916Mob History, Torpedoboats, GroÃes Torpedoboot 1916Mob, Improved design of the Grosses Torpedoboot 1913
GroÃes Torpedoboot 1906 History
The Imperial German Navy (Hochseeflotte), GroÃes Torpedoboot 1906 History, Torpedoboats, GroÃes Torpedoboot 1906, Second largest torpedo boat class ordered by the Hochseeflotte.
Greif Information
The Imperial German Navy (Hochseeflotte), Greif Information, Avisos / Old Cruiser, Greif, Aviso 1887 - 1921
Frankfurt Ship Info
The Imperial German Navy (Hochseeflotte), Frankfurt Ship Info, Small Cruiser, Frankfurt, Kleiner Kreuzer 1915-1921
Yorck Information
The Imperial German Navy (Hochseeflotte), Yorck Information, Battlecruisers, Yorck, Schlachtkreuzer, Yorck class