7 Ergebnisse für: topsails
The Rigging of Ships: In the Days of the Spritsail Topmast, 1600-1720 - R. C. Anderson - Google Books
For ship model-makers and students and enthusiasts of historic sailing ships, this generously illustrated book is essential reading and invaluable as a reference. It describes and depicts in detail how 17th-century English, French, Dutch and other European…
Bonaparte - When The Ship Is Thinking - YouTube
Die Band Bonaparte mit "When The Ship Is Thinking" vom Album "Sorry We're Open" (2012). 320 kBit/s Track: 01 Lyrics: (lyrics.wikia.com) We are fevered with t...
A Treatise Founded Upon Philosophical and Rational Principles: Towards ... - William Hutchinson - Google Books
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Category:Gaff rigged sails – Wikimedia Commons
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Michiel de Ruyter
Deze stichting beoogt de nagedachtenis van Lt.Adm de Ruyter levend te houden en te bevorderen, door zoveel mogelijk informatie over Nederlands grootste admiraal in brede kring bekendheid te geven
Michiel de Ruyter
Deze stichting beoogt de nagedachtenis van Lt.Adm de Ruyter levend te houden en te bevorderen, door zoveel mogelijk informatie over Nederlands grootste admiraal in brede kring bekendheid te geven
Zeitgenössische Pläne historischer Schiffe im Atlas du Génie Maritime
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