49 Ergebnisse für: thirdly
Sixties Radicalism and Social Movement Activism: Retreat Or Resurgence? - Google Books
This book's four main aims are to examine: firstly, why movements happened in the socio-historical context of sixties' radicalism; secondly, its distinctive legacy of crucial, cultural, societal and political interconnections; thirdly, continuing links…
down with murder inc
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Tobias-lib - Brief Richard Kochs an Henry E. Sigerist vom 30.7.1945
Richard Koch (1882-1949) zählt zu den bedeutendsten Medizintheoretikern und -historikern des 20. Jahrhunderts. Neben Arbeiten zu ihrem geschichtlichen Selbstverständnis ist Koch insbesondere wegen seiner Ãberlegungen zu den…
D.H. Lawrence and Italian Futurism: A Study of Influence - Andrew Harrison - Google Books
The significance of D. H. Lawrence's reading of two Italian Futurist volumes in the summer of 1914 is widely acknowledged, but the nature of its significance has not been more closely examined, nor traced through his major fictional and discursive writings…
Tsunami and Fukushima Disaster: Design for Reconstruction - Google Books
This book consists of two parts. The first part describes the context in which the Prefectures of Minamisoma and Kesennuma need to operate and what the meaning is of the multiple disasters that occurred in the area. The second part illuminates the design…
#686580 - Strobe is non-DFSG-free - Debian Bug report logs
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"Historical Network Analysis" - Google-Suche
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