65 Ergebnisse für: tammany
Category:Saint Tammany Parish, Louisiana – Wikimedia Commons
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The History of Tammany Hall - Gustavus Myers - Google Books
This scarce antiquarian book is included in our special Legacy Reprint Series. In the interest of creating a more extensive selection of rare historical book reprints, we have chosen to reproduce this title even though it may possibly have occasional…
Riversong Tradition CDN SE Test :: Bonedo
Ob die Riversong Tradition CDN SE das Zeug hat, eine Wende in der Konstruktion von Westerngitarren zu markieren? Außen traditionell, versteckt sie in ihrem Inneren einige bemerkenswerte Innovationen.
Die Indianer Nordamerikas - Häuptlinge der Delawaren
Die Indianer Nordamerikas - Häptlinge der Delawaren
Ashbel P. Fitch: Champion of Old New York - David Remington - Google Books
The concept of an "honest Tammany man" sounds like an oxymoron, but it became a reality in the curious career of Ashbel P. Fitch, who served New York City as a four-term congressman and a one-term city comptroller during the late nineteenth century.…
Theodore Roosevelt, patriot and statesman: the true story of an ideal American - Robert Cornelius V. Meyers - Google Books
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Poetical Works of Charles G. Halpine (Miles O'Reilly): Consisting of Odes ... - Charles Graham Halpine - Google Books
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Review of Reviews and World's Work: An International Magazine - Google Books
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Abram S. Hewitt, with some account of Peter Cooper - Allan Nevins - Google Books
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Die Indianer Nordamerikas - Die Delawaren (= Lenape)
>Die Indianer Nordamerikas - Die Delawaren (= Lenape). Die Delawaren sind ein Volksstamm der Algonkin-Sprachfamilie, der sich selbst