11 Ergebnisse für: space24
Salzburg im Zeichen des roten Bullen: Wie Red Bull das Land veränderte | sn.at
Seit der Gründung vor 30 Jahren hat Red Bull in Salzburg vieles verändert. Nur die Politik blieb noch (fast) unberührt.
Salzburg im Zeichen des roten Bullen: Wie Red Bull das Land veränderte | sn.at
Seit der Gründung vor 30 Jahren hat Red Bull in Salzburg vieles verändert. Nur die Politik blieb noch (fast) unberührt.
Polish Involvement In The Baltops 2016 Exercise - Defence24.com
Polish Armed Forces will be involved in the international Baltops 2016 naval exercise. The largest, and the most important NATO exercise in the Baltic Sea will involve Polish troops, vessels of the Polish Navy, along with the Polish Air Force.
Salzburger Dirigent Peter Ewaldt gestorben | SN.at
Peter Ewaldt, seit 1981 als Erster Kapellmeister und Studienleiter am Salzburger Landestheater, ist in der Nacht von Samstag auf Sonntag 65-jährig verstorben.
An-132 Fuselage Is Ready. Maiden Flight Planned This Year - Defence24.com
Ukrainian Antonov company announced that it has finalized the works related to the assembly process pertaining the An-132D fuselage which is being created in collaboration with the Saudi KACST (King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology) facility. The…
Polskie pojazdy ewakuacji technicznej dla Czech - Defence24
Firma SZCZĘŚNIAK Pojazdy Specjalne Sp. z o.o. zaprezentowała najnowszą wersje opancerzonego Ciężkiego Kołowego Pojazdu Ewakuacji i Ratownictwa Technicznego (CKPEiRT) dla Sił Zbrojnych Republiki Czeskiej. Jest to już trzecia odsłona opancerzonych…
AMPV – The German Offer Of A Multi-Purpose Vehicle - Defence24.com
German consortium consisting of the Rheinmetall (Rheinmetall MAN Military Vehicles in this case) and Krauss-Maffei Wegmann companies has developed the Armoured Multi-Purpose Vehicle (AMPV).Together with ROSOMAK S.A. company, the works have been undertaken…
Hawkei Offer for the Polish Industry and for the Polish Army - Defence24.com
Thales Polska company announced its plans related to cooperation with the Rosomak S.A. company, or with the Military Automotive Works based in Poznan, within the scope of the offer related to the Hawkei armoured vehicle addressed at the Polish Army. The…
Eitan - Unexpected Successor of the M-113 Vehicle. Mass and Armour - Main Advantages - Defence24.com
After a very long period of operational use of the legendary, continuously modernized track-chassis M-113 “Zelda” armoured carriers, the Israeli land forces decided to find a surprising replacement of that platform. Here, we mean the Eitan…
Zamówienia na rosyjskie pojazdy Armata - Defence24
Rosyjskie ministerstwo obrony poinformowało w trakcie forum Armia 2018 o podpisaniu umów na dostawę wozów T-14 i T-15 Armata.