338 Ergebnisse für: snail
Jeremy the snail (@leftysnail) | Twitter
Die neuesten Tweets von Jeremy the snail (@leftysnail). Multi award winning gastropod and shellebrity snail (RIP). The snail that keeps on giving. #snaillove. Media: our scientist @angus_davison. Nottingham, England
Cone snail - net hunter hunting for fish - YouTube
A net-hunting cone snail, Conus tulipa, engulfing its prey.
Giant Horse Conch and Burglar Hermit Crabs | Blue Planet | BBC Earth - YouTube
An amazing Giant Sea Snail makes a meal of a smaller Tulip Snail and it is not long before a group of eager Hermit Crabs seize the opportunity to grab a new ...
Osmia bicolor 21May2013 - YouTube
The female Osmia bicolor moving her snail shell nest site in to the optimum position
E-Mails.co.de - Ihr E Mails Shop
T & J Briefkasten Mail Grün, SportPlus Fitness-Tracker »Q-Band HR+ SP-AT-BLE-90« (Set), mit Wechselarmband, schwarz, Opea Brennnessel Shampoo, 200 ml, BURG WÄCHTER Briefkasten »MAIL 5877 E«, Snail Brings the Mail,
Angustopila dominikae - World's smallest land snail - YouTube
Researchers discovered new microsnails species, including perhaps the World's smallest land snail species. The single known shell of Angustopila dominikae me...
Osmia bicolor nest building - YouTube
Osmia bicolor lays its eggs inside snail shells, sealing the opening closed with masticated plant material. Once complete, it will cover the shell with piece...
blickwinkel - Zweifarbige Mauerbiene (Osmia bicolor), Mauerbiene tarnt ihr Schneckenhaus - Bicoloured mason bee (Osmia bicolor), masking its' snail shell - McPHOTO/A. Spiering
blickwinkel - nature meets people - Zweifarbige Mauerbiene (Osmia bicolor), Mauerbiene tarnt ihr Schneckenhaus - Bicoloured mason bee (Osmia bicolor), masking its' snail shell - McPHOTO/A. Spiering
Schneckenrennen: Schleimspur statt Bremsspur - Video - WELT
In England findet die Weltmeisterschaft im Schneckenrennen statt. Die World Snail Racing Championships stehen bei den Briten hoch im Kurs. Denn auf die Schnecken darf gewettet werden.
Shana Tova - Ofra Haza - YouTube
Shana Tova (A Good Year) - Ofra Haza, Dudu Zar, Ofra Weingarten, Nissim Garame, Uza (The Goose) and Shabi (The Snail) on Parpar Nechmad (Nice Butterfly), the...