123 Ergebnisse für: shrouded

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    Offensichtlich bauen die Schweden so gerne und erfolgreich Dinge zusammen, dass nun auch die CD-Verpackungen immer trickreicher werden. Heutiges Highlight: die Jakebox; quasi ein etwas schlichteres Digipack aus nichts anderem als Pappe, das sich aber auch…

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    The Aromanians - a nation native to the Balkans, shrouded in the history of the region, which never had their own state and speak an endangered Romance language. The author, a descendant of an Aromanian family from Avdela, in the Pindus Mountains, sets ou

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    The Aromanians - a nation native to the Balkans, shrouded in the history of the region, which never had their own state and speak an endangered Romance language. The author, a descendant of an Aromanian family from Avdela, in the Pindus Mountains, sets ou

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    The ancient Phoenician civilization, which thrived in the Mediterranean region in around 1000 BC, is still shrouded in mystery. Its people left few written records, but they are known to have been expert navigators and some of the greatest traders in…

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    The ancient Phoenician civilization, which thrived in the Mediterranean region in around 1000 BC, is still shrouded in mystery. Its people left few written records, but they are known to have been expert navigators and some of the greatest traders in…

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    Gesänge Der Bulgarisch-Orthodoxen Kirche, The Acáthist Hymn of the Holy Orthodox Eastern Church als Buch von Orthodox Eastern Church, Das Neue Testament in der Orthodoxen Kirche, Der orthodoxe Häretiker und andere unglaubliche Geschichten, The Death of…

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    Admiral Wilhelm Canaris was the head of the Abwehr--Hitler's intelligence service--from 1935 to 1944. Initially a supporter of Hitler, Canaris came to vigorously oppose his policies and practices and worked secretly throughout the war to overthrow the…

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