1,555 Ergebnisse für: saec
Prosopographia Imperii Romani Saec I, II, III: A - B: Amazon.de: Edmund Groag, Artur Stein: Fremdsprachige Bücher
Prosopographia Imperii Romani Saec I, II, III: [A - B] | Edmund Groag, Artur Stein | ISBN: 9783110012927 | Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch Amazon.
Prosopographia Imperii Romani Saec I, II, III. Pars 7. Fasc 1. Q - R : Consilio Et Auictorate Acadmeiae Scientarium Berolinensis Et Brandennurgenis: Amazon.de: Klaus Wachtel, Matthäus Heil, Anika Strobach: Fremdsprachige Bücher
Prosopographia Imperii Romani Saec I, II, III. Pars 7. Fasc 1. (Q - R): Consilio Et Auictorate Acadmeiae Scientarium Berolinensis Et Brandennurgenis | Klaus Wachtel, Matthäus Heil, Anika Strobach | ISBN: 9783110167436 | Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher…
Prosopographia Imperii Romani saec. I. II. III. - Google Books
The Prosopographia Imperii Romani (PIR) is a dictionary of names containing the biographical data of Roman officials. The prosopography's main objective is to present a comprehensive listing of the ruling classes in the Roman Empire in its early and high…
Prosopographia Imperii Romani saec. I. II. III. - Google Books
The Prosopographia Imperii Romani (PIR) is a dictionary of names containing the biographical data of Roman officials. The prosopography's main objective is to present a comprehensive listing of the ruling classes in the Roman Empire in its early and high…
Fragmenta Comica: die Bände — Kommentierung der Fragmente der griechischen Komödie (KomFrag)
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dMGH | Band | Scriptores [Geschichtsschreiber] | Scriptores (in Folio) (SS) | 29: [Ex rerum Danicarum scriptoribus saec. XII. et XIII. Ex historiis Islandicis. Ex rerum Polonicarum scriptoribus saec. XII. et XIII. Ex rerum Ungaricarum scriptoribus saec. XIII] | Ex rerum Polonicarum scriptoribus saec. XII. et XIII.
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dMGH | Band | Scriptores [Geschichtsschreiber] | Scriptores (in Folio) (SS) | 28: [Ex rerum Anglicarum scriptoribus saec. XIII.] | Titelblatt: Ex rerum Anglicarum scriptoribus saec. XIII.
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Tractatus de modo preparandi et condiendi omnia cibaria (saec. XIV)
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dMGH | Band | Scriptores [Geschichtsschreiber] | Scriptores (in Folio) (SS) | 29: [Ex rerum Danicarum scriptoribus saec. XII. et XIII. Ex historiis Islandicis. Ex rerum Polonicarum scriptoribus saec. XII. et XIII. Ex rerum Ungaricarum scriptoribus saec. XIII] | Ex historiis Islandicis
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