21 Ergebnisse für: rpll
Flugunfall 03 JUN 1975 einer BAC One-Eleven 524FF RP-C1184 - Manila
A BAC One-Eleven 524FF passenger plane, registered RP-C1184, sustained substantial damage in a criminal occurrence near Manila, Philippines. There were 59 passengers and five crew members on board. The airplane operated on a flight from Legaspi Airport…
Flugunfall 25 JUN 2009 einer Xian MA60 RP-C8892 - Caticlan-Malay Airport (MPH)
A Xian MA60 passenger plane, registered RP-C8892, sustained substantial damage in a landing accident at Caticlan-Malay Airport (MPH), Philippines. All survived. The airplane operated on a flight from Manila-Ninoy Aquino International Airport (MNL) to…
Flugunfall 28 JUL 1938 einer Martin M-130 NC14714 - Manila, Philippines
A Martin M-130 passenger plane, registered NC14714, was involved in an accident at E off Manila, Philippines, Pacific Ocean. There were six passengers and nine crew members on board. The airplane operated on a flight from Guam (unknown airport) () to…
[U] Philippinen: Flugzeug stürzt in Wohngebiet auf Schule | Austrian Wings
Letzte Aktualisierung: 10. Dezember 2011 / 18:34 Uhr [picture] 14 Todesopfer, mindestens 20 Verletzte befürchtet Auf den Philippinen ist ein Kleinflugzeug nahe der Hauptstadt Manila in ein Wohngebiet gestürzt. Ersten Berichten zufolge starben bei dem…
Flugunfall 02 JUN 1958 einer Boeing 377 Stratocruiser 10-26 N1023V - Manila International Airport (MNL)
A Boeing 377 Stratocruiser 10-26 passenger plane, registered N1023V, was damaged beyond repair in a landing accident at Manila International Airport (MNL), Philippines. There were 49 passengers and eight crew members on board. The airplane operated on a…
Flugunfall 25 JUN 2009 einer Xian MA60 RP-C8892 - Caticlan-Malay Airport (MPH)
A Xian MA60 passenger plane, registered RP-C8892, sustained substantial damage in a landing accident at Caticlan-Malay Airport (MPH), Philippines. All survived. The airplane operated on a flight from Manila-Ninoy Aquino International Airport (MNL) to…
Flugunfall 16 SEP 1972 einer Fairchild F-27 PI-C892 - Roxas
A Fairchild F-27 passenger plane, registered PI-C892, sustained substantial damage in an occurrence near Roxas, Philippines. All 38 passengers and four crew members survived. The airplane operated on a flight from Manila International Airport (MNL) to…
Flugunfall 02 JUN 1970 einer Fokker F-27 Friendship 100 PI-C507 - Roxas
A Fokker F-27 Friendship 100 passenger plane, registered PI-C507, incurred minor damage in a criminal occurrence near Roxas, Philippines. There were 40 passengers and four crew members on board. The airplane operated on a flight from Manila International…
Flugunfall 17 AUG 1978 einer BAC One-Eleven 524FF RP-C1184 - Simara Island
A BAC One-Eleven 524FF passenger plane, registered RP-C1184, sustained substantial damage in a criminal occurrence over Simara Island, Philippines. There were 78 passengers and six crew members on board. The airplane operated on a flight from Cebu…
Flugunfall 24 FEB 1949 einer Douglas C-47A-90-DL (DC-3) VR-HDG - North Point, Hong Kong
A Douglas C-47A-90-DL (DC-3) passenger plane, registered VR-HDG, was damaged beyond repair in an accident at North Point, Hong Kong, Hong Kong. There were 19 passengers and four crew members on board. The airplane operated on a flight from Manila Airport…