9 Ergebnisse für: plbih
Vozuca '95 - Alija Izetbegovic - YouTube
Keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
Ahmici massacre - 16 April 1993 - YouTube
On this day 21 years ago, over 100 civilians were massacred in Ahmići in central Bosnia and Herzegovina, when Bosnian Croat forces attacked the Bosnian Musli...
17.03.2004. Teror - YouTube
Keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
Zločin u Doljanima 1993. - TV kalendar 28.7.2014. - YouTube
Pripadnici Armije BiH počinili su 28. srpnja 1993. godine veliki ratni zločin u selu Doljani gdje je na nemilosrdan način pobijeno 39 Hrvata, pripadnika HVO-...
Die Hard 5 by Kusturica - YouTube
Kustendorf film festival 2009 opening performance.
The Homolulu Show - YouTube
The Homolulu Show gay short clip
Nationella Insatsstyrkan - YouTube
Nationella Insatsstyrkan Swedish National SWAT Team Shot during an excercise when they trained on a scenario involving a terrorist attack on a crusie ship.
The Tribunal Remembers: Brcko - May 1992 - YouTube
A systematic campaign to expel Bosnian Croats and Bosnian Muslims from their homes in Brcko began when Serb forces took control of the municipality in late A...
Kako su pripadnici "El Mudžahedina" odlikovani za zločine nad Srbima? - YouTube
Nakon našeg priloga u Dnevniku 2 o umiješanosti Mustafe Cerića u formiranje terorističke mreže u BiH tokom rata, Cerić je u pismu RTRS-u još jednom ponovio t...