23 Ergebnisse für: planet’s
Innovators in Battery Technology: Profiles of 95 Influential Electrochemists - Kevin Desmond - Google Books
As the world’s demand for electrical energy increases, it will be the ingenuity and skill of brilliant electrochemists that enable us to utilize the planet’s mineral reserves responsibly. This biographical dictionary profiles 95 electrochemists from 19…
Solar System Moons: Discovery and Mythology - Jürgen Blunck - Google Books
Starting from Mars outward this concise handbook provides thorough information on the satellites of the planets in the solar system. Each chapter begins with a section on the discovery and the naming of the planet’s satellites or rings. This is followed by…
Startseite - VDB - Verband der Deutschen Biokraftstoffindustrie e.V.
Auführliche Informationen über die Produkte Biodiesel und Bioethanol sowie Darstellung der politischen und rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen.
Schellnhuber präsentiert "10 'Must-Knows' zum Klimawandel" auf COP23 — PIK Research Portal
13.11.2017 - Von steigendem Meeresspiegel und der Versauerung der Meere, über zunehmende Risiken bei Extremwetterereignissen und über den "Kollisionskurs" mit klimatischen Kipppunkten der Erde - PIK-Direktor Schellnhuber stellte auf der UN Klimakonferenz…
The Earthquake Observers: Disaster Science from Lisbon to Richter - Deborah R. Coen - Google Books
Earthquakes have taught us much about our planet’s hidden structure and the forces that have shaped it. This knowledge rests not only on the recordings of seismographs but also on the observations of eyewitnesses to destruction. During the nineteenth…
Hubble finds carbon dioxide on an extrasolar planet
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Archive: Ambassador Nikki Haley auf Twitter: "We appreciate these countries for not falling to the irresponsible ways of the @UN:… "
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The Fate of the Forest: Developers, Destroyers, and Defenders of the Amazon ... - Susanna B. Hecht, Alexander Cockburn - Google Books
The Amazon rain forest covers more than five million square kilometers, amid the territories of nine different nations. It represents over half of the planet’s remaining rain forest. Is it truly in peril? What steps are necessary to save it? To understand…