6,026 Ergebnisse für: physics
Kernphysik.co.de - Ihr Kernphysik Shop
Grundlagen der Strahlungsphysik und des Strahlenschutzes, Quantum Many-Body Dynamics, Teilchen und Kerne, Kernphysik, Solid State Physics,
Karlheinz Meier - YouTube
This YouTube channel is operated by Karlheinz Meier, professor of physics at Heidelberg University. It features movies on physics, physics history in Heidelb...
Engineering Physics — Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
Engineering Physics
Atomphysik.co.de - Ihr Atomphysik Shop
Was ist Materie?, 2 Audio-CDs, Modern Particle Physics, Production of radioisotopes in reactors with a hard neutron spectrum, Oberflächenphysik, Kerne, Hadronen und Elementarteilchen,
Solid State Physics - Google Books
Solid State Physics
Quantum Mathematical Physics - A Bridge between Mathematics and Physcis
Quantum Mathematical Physics - A Bridge between Mathematics and Physics. Conference Regensburg 2013, Sep 29 - Oct 2
Soliton.co.de - Ihr Soliton Shop
Nonlinear Waves and Solitons als Buch von M. Toda, Electrical Solitons als eBook Download von Donhee Ham, David S. Ricketts, Solitons in Physics, Mathematics, and Nonlinear Optics als Buch von, Physics and Applications of Optical Solitons in Fibres ´95…
Mod-01 Lec-12 The Concept of Phonons - YouTube
Condensed Matter Physics by Prof. G. Rangarajan, Department of Physics, IIT Madras. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.iitm.ac.in
Advances in Solid State Physics: Festkörper Probleme - Google Books
Advances in Solid State Physics
Radiation Physics for Medical Physicists - Ervin B. Podgorsak - Google Books
This book is intendedas a textbook fora radiationphysicscourseinacademic medical physics graduate programs as well as a reference book for candidates preparingforcerti?cationexaminationsinmedicalphysicssubspecialities.The book may also be of interest to…