20 Ergebnisse für: perloff
Jens Lissitzky - Google-Suche
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The Sound of Poetry / The Poetry of Sound - Google Books
Sound—one of the central elements of poetry—finds itself all but ignored in the current discourse on lyric forms. The essays collected here by Marjorie Perloff and Craig Dworkinbreak that critical silence to readdress some of thefundamental connections…
The Sound of Poetry / The Poetry of Sound - Google Books
Sound—one of the central elements of poetry—finds itself all but ignored in the current discourse on lyric forms. The essays collected here by Marjorie Perloff and Craig Dworkinbreak that critical silence to readdress some of thefundamental connections…
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Literatur: Gäste ab 1999
Keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Literatur: Gäste ab 1999
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Tobias Amslinger | luxbooks
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Rae Armantrout - 1 Buch - Perlentaucher
Keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
Making it Explicit: Reasoning, Representing, and Discursive Commitment - Robert Brandom - Google Books
What would something unlike us--a chimpanzee, say, or a computer--have to be able to do to qualify as a possible knower, like us? To answer this question at the very heart of our sense of ourselves, philosophers have long focused on intentionality and have…
Léonce W. Lupette | luxbooks
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Kritik zu Erschütternde Wahrheit | epd Film
Die in den USA kontrovers diskutierte Geschichte sowie Will Smith in einer der besten Rollen seiner Karriere sind gute Gründe, sich »Erschütternde Wahrheit« von Peter Landesman anzusehen. Dass dessen melodramatisch angehauchte Inszenierung allerdings arg…