9 Ergebnisse für: pamilo

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    Vattenfall’s power plants produce heat and electricity to Europe from wind, hydropower, coal, gas, nuclear power and biomass. Welcome to explore how it is done

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    Vattenfall’s power plants produce heat and electricity to Europe from wind, hydropower, coal, gas, nuclear power and biomass. Welcome to explore how it is done

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    Vattenfall’s power plants produce heat and electricity to Europe from wind, hydropower, coal, gas, nuclear power and biomass. Welcome to explore how it is done

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    Vattenfall’s power plants produce heat and electricity to Europe from wind, hydropower, coal, gas, nuclear power and biomass. Welcome to explore how it is done

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    Vattenfall’s power plants produce heat and electricity to Europe from wind, hydropower, coal, gas, nuclear power and biomass. Welcome to explore how it is done

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    Vattenfall’s power plants produce heat and electricity to Europe from wind, hydropower, coal, gas, nuclear power and biomass. Welcome to explore how it is done

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    DELFI - Po daugiau nei 40 metų santuokos Edmundas Kučinskas su žmona Galina nusprendė pasukti skirtingais keliais. Balandžio 12-ąją paskutinį tašką jų santuokoje padėjo Klaipėdos miesto apylinkės teismas.

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    DELFI - Europos Parlamento narys Antanas Guoga pareiškė, kad jam trukdoma įdarbinti prieš porą savaičių į Lietuvą atvykusį lietuviams kariams Afganistane Goro provincijoje vertėjavusį vietos gyventoją Abdulą Basirą Yoususi.

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