67 Ergebnisse für: offenses
Death Penalty for Offenses Other Than Murder
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Death Penalty for Offenses Other Than Murder
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Die Willenslehre im griecheschen Recht - Richard Maschke - Google Books
This book is a series of studies on the ideas of will, intention and responsibility which enter into Greek legal theory, with particular attention given to the distinction between voluntary and involuntary offenses recognized in Greek law since the time of…
Cutting Off the Serpent's Head: Tightening Control in Tibet, 1994-1995 - Robert Barnett, Human Rights Watch, Asia Staff, Tibet Information Network - Google Books
Political repression in Tibet has increased sharply since 1994, and there are now more political prisoners in custody there than at any time in the last six years. The increased repression is the result of a new tibet policy announced in 1994 by the…
NFL-Defenses unter der Lupe
Die heutige NFL scheint fest in der Hand der Offenses: Zahlreiche Regeländerungen über die vergangenen zehn Jahre haben dem Passspiel enorm geholfen und Quarterbacks brechen Jahr für Jahr historische Bestmarken. Und doch hat die alte Binsenweisheit nach…
College Football Themenwoche: Übersicht und Fahrplan für die ganze Woche
College Football fasziniert: Mit der Leidenschaft der Fans, mit seiner großen, weit zurückreichenden Geschichte, aber auch mit der Vielfalt: Durch die schiere Masse an Colleges mit Football-Programm haben ganz unterschiedliche Stilrichtungen ihre Abnehmer.
Moral Panic: Changing Concepts of the Child Molester in Modern America - Philip Jenkins - Google Books
It is commonly acknowledged that sexual abuse of children is a grave and pervasive problem and that child molesters are predators who compulsively repeat their crimes and have little hope of cure. Yet as recently as twenty years ago many experts viewed the…
James Fenimore Cooper: The Early Years - Wayne Franklin - Google Books
James Fenimore Cooper (1789-1851) invented the key forms of American fiction--the Western, the sea tale, the Revolutionary War romance. Furthermore, Cooper turned novel writing from a polite diversion into a paying career. He influenced Herman Melville,…
site:en.wikipedia.org "Sexual self-determination" - Google-Suche
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site:en.wikipedia.org "Sexual self-determination" - Google-Suche
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