22 Ergebnisse für: nupe
Deutsche Biographie - Nadel, Siegfried
Deutsche Biographie
Category:Circumcision – Wikimedia Commons
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OGND - results/titledata
Keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
Deutsches Koloniallexikon 1920, SCHNEE, H.(Buchstabe: Flegel)
Keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
Dissertatio Inauguralis, De Iure Securitatis, Tum Inter Cives, Tum Inter Gentes
Dissertatio Inauguralis, De Iure Securitatis, Tum Inter Cives, Tum Inter Gentes
The African Knights: The Armies of Sokoto, Bornu, and Bagirmi in the ... - Conrad Cairns - Google Books
In the 19th century the eastern Savannah (now divided between the countries of Nigeria, Niger, Mali, and Cameroon) was one of the most neglected parts of the African continent, and yet at the same time one of the most culturally sophisticated. During this…
Deutsche Biographie - Flegel, Eduard
Deutsche Biographie
African States and Rulers - John Stewart - Google Books
Now in its third edition, this is a bigger (more than 11,000 entries), updated (through late summer 2005) version of the 1989 original covering the enormous kaleidoscope of changing political boundaries, names, and rulers of Africa. This exhaustive…
Kapitel 1 des Buches: Quer durch Afrika von Gerhard Rohlfs | Projekt Gutenberg
Gerhard Rohlfs Quer durch Afrika Die Erstdurchquerung der Sahara vom Mittelmeer zum Golf von Guinea 1865 – 1867 Der Autor in n
Category:Anthropology – Wikimedia Commons
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