301 Ergebnisse für: networked
"Scalable Networked Information Processing Environment " - Google-Suche
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Berlinale – was bisher geschah (7): Kampf um Gleichheit - taz.de
Bei der Berlinale-Veranstaltung „Get Networked up“ trafen sich Regisseurinnen, um über eine Frauenquote in der Filmbranche zu diskutieren.
Lakeside Labs - YouTube
Lakeside Labs is a hub for science and innovation in self-organizing networked systems. A space for inspiration, creativity, and multidisciplinarity.
Networked Student - YouTube
The Networked Student was inspired by CCK08, a Connectivism course offered by George Siemens and Stephen Downes during fall 2008. It depicts an actual projec...
World's First Webcam - Computerphile - YouTube
In 1991 the web could only do text, but scientists at Cambridge Computer Laboratory were working with networked video.... Quentin Stafford-Fraser explains ho...
KIG - Networked Readiness Index NRI
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ZDB-Katalog - Suchergebnisseite: iss="1540-7993"
ZDB Zeitschriftendatenbank
Basar.co.de - Ihr Basar Shop
Bis ans Ende der Welt (Mit vollen Segeln) - Der Basar der Eitelkeiten und der schwarze Mann, Stochastic Networked Control Systems als Buch von Tamer Basar, Serdar Yüksel, Das Okodil und der wunderbare Buchstaben-Basar, Mechanik der Flachentragwerke als…
"Scalable Networked Information Processing Environment " - Google-Suche
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Contesting Media Power: Alternative Media in a Networked World - Google Books
Contesting Media Power is the most ambitious international collection to date on the worldwide growth of alternative media that are challenging the power concentration in large media corporations. Media scholars and political scientists develop a broad…