540 Ergebnisse für: namely
SOAK - Banter Salon - Other Voices Dingle 2012 - YouTube
Two songs from the Derry star Bridie Monds-Watson, namely "Sea Creatures" and "Explosion"
Gridarta - 2D MMORPG Map Editor
Gridarta is a Map Editor for 2D MMORPGs, namely Angelion, Crossfire, and Daimonin.
Kristen May - Dear friends, for those curious about my...
Dear friends, for those curious about my musical endeavors (namely with Flyleaf) please take a moment to watch this video. Peace to you!! ♥
"Chikara" a Rajasthani folk Instrument - YouTube
"Chikara" is a Rajasthani folk Instrument quite similar to Jogia Sarangi. It is played by a tribe namely "Naath". Starts with "man dole, tera tan dole" to bu...
Khamiso Khan King of Alghoza(Beenoon).DAT - YouTube
Ustad Marhoom(Late) Khamiso Khan was realy King of Sindhi Saaz Alghoza (Beenoon) now his son continued his art namely Mr.Akber Khamiso Khan I think he is pri...
Beyond the Iraq War: The Promises, Pitfalls and Perils of External ... - Google Books
This book critically analyses the topic of US-led external interventions in the affairs of developing countries by using one of the most contested experiments of modern times, namely, the invasion of Iraq and its aftermath. The March 2003 invasion of Iraq
Machine learning and applications
Since a few years Machine Learning (ML) has broadened the modeling toolbox for the sciences and industry. The talk will first remind the audience of the main ingredients for applying machine learning. Then various ML applications in the sciences namely…
Machine learning and applications
Since a few years Machine Learning (ML) has broadened the modeling toolbox for the sciences and industry. The talk will first remind the audience of the main ingredients for applying machine learning. Then various ML applications in the sciences namely…
Genghis Khan: The History of the World Conqueror - Ata-Malik Juvaini, ʻAlāʼ al-Dīn ʻAṭā Malik Juvaynī, Mizra Muhammad Qazvini - Google Books
This astonishing book, which is unquestionably the best and most authoritative account of one of the most important events in the world's history, namely the sudden rise and expansion of the Mongol power in the thirteenth century, is republished here in an…
Electronic Evidence and Discovery: What Every Lawyer Should Know - Michele C. S. Lange, Kristin M. Nimsger - Google Books
Changes in the way evidence is exchanged, namely the emergence of so-called e-discovery, is no exception. Litigaors cannot continue to ignore the fact that as much as 30% of all evidence in maintained in electronic form, Lawyers need to accept the change…