4 Ergebnisse für: monsma
OGND - results/titledata
Keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
The Disappearing God Gap?: Religion in the 2008 Presidential Election - Corwin Smidt, Kevin den Dulk, Bryan Froehle, James Penning, Stephen Monsma, Douglas Koopman - Google Books
After the reelection of George W. Bush in 2004, the "God Gap" became a hotly debated political issue. Religious voters were seen as the key to Bush's victory, and Democrats began scrambling to reach out to them. Four years later, however, with the economy…
Koch-Wiki:Spenden – Koch-Wiki
Das Koch-Wiki benötigt Spender oder/und Sponsoren zur Deckung der laufenden Server- und Domainkosten von etwa 200 € im Jahr.
Fortschritt in der Silizium-Spintronik | heise online
Ein US-Team demonstriert den ersten Spin-Feldeffekt-Transistor auf der Basis des Halbleitermaterials Silizium.