28 Ergebnisse für: misused
prevent the route from being misused by migrants - Deutsch-Ãbersetzung – Linguee Wörterbuch
Viele ÃŒbersetzte BeispielsÀtze mit "prevent the route from being misused by migrants" – Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine fÃŒr Millionen von Deutsch-Ãbersetzungen.
Erasing the Invisible Hand: Essays on an Elusive and Misused Concept in ... - Warren J. Samuels - Google Books
This book examines the use, principally in economics, of the concept of the invisible hand, centering on Adam Smith. It interprets the concept as ideology, knowledge, and a linguistic phenomenon. It shows how the principal Chicago School interpretation…
Saudi government targeted dissidents after McKinsey report - Business Insider Deutschland
McKinsey reportedly created a nine-page report gauging public response to Saudi austerity measures announced in 2015, and found that three dissidents had a...
Marxist.co.de - Ihr Marxist Shop
Marxistischer Anti-Leninismus, Beyerstedt, H: Marxistische Kritik an der Sowjetunion in der (Taschenbuch), The divergences between maoism and classical marxist thought als Buch von Sebastian Erckel, Psychoanalytic Mediations between Marxist and…
Connolley wikipedia "arbitration committee" - Google-Suche
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Trump's charity will close, but New York's attorney general says not so fast - Business Insider Deutschland
The Donald J. Trump Foundation, the president's charitable organization, is reportedly dissolving itself.
Answer to a written question - China Export (CE) mark feeding off the reputation of the European Conformité européenne (CE) mark - P-5938/2007
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Armenian History and the Question of Genocide - M. Gunter - Google Books
An analysis of the Turkish position regarding the Armenian claims of genocide during World War I and the continuing debate over this issue, the author offers an equal examination of each side's historical position. The book asks "what is genocide?" and…
"many critics" site:wikipedia.org - Google-Suche
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Thermodynamik.co.de - Ihr Thermodynamik Shop
Übungsaufgaben Technische Thermodynamik, Matter and Methods at Low Temperatures, Analysis of flow conditions of dual pipe thermosyphon heat exchanger, Efficiency Evaluation of Energy Systems, Grundkurs Theoretische Physik 4/2,