51 Ergebnisse für: midrash

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    For over 1000 years, the secrets of the Jewish psyche have been the province of the few who could master the language and nuances of The Midrash Rabbah, the greatest biblical commentary ever produced by the hand of man. Now, for the first time, the…

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    Meoros HaDaf HaYomi Institute's weekly Torah leaflets, in Hebrew and English, have become one of the most avidly followed Torah periodicals in Eretz Yisrael and abroad. Now, for the first time, the Torah insights from the leaflets on Maseches Berachos hav

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    There are two major themes running through the essays reprinted in this book: the first is the typological relation of rabbinic Judaism to Christianity, while the second is the re-animation, by going back to the roots, of a rabbinic Judaism that would not…

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    This new volume in the acclaimed JPS Guides series is an invaluable companion to the Jewish Bible, providing readers with ready access to important facts and Bible basics: # how the Bible became the "Bible"; its origins, content, and organization…

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    juedisches recht Miller israelischer Rechtsanwalt Kanzlei deutsch israelisches Recht israels Gesetz Israelischer Anwalt israelische Gesetze Israeli chamuda Talmud Tora Bibel Thora Judentum israel-law lawyer Halacha Torah Dr. Miller, Rechtsanwalt,…

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    Fellow, Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, Akademisches Jahr 2004/2005

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