27 Ergebnisse für: mesons
Standardmodell: Für die Supersymmetrie wird es enger - Spektrum der Wissenschaft
Am LHC wurde ein extrem seltener Zerfall eines Bs-Mesons beobachtet. Das Ergebnis steht aber nicht im Einklang mit den gängigsten Modellen zur Supersymmetrie.
+"nucleus cms" - Google-Suche
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Total Cross Sections for Negative and Positive Pions in Hydrogen and Deuterium - INSPIRE-HEP
External meson beams, ranging in energy from 135 Mev to 260 Mev for the π−, and 135 Mev to 198 Mev for the π+, have been used for the measurement of total cross sections by an attenuation experiment using liquid hydrogen as well as CH2 and C as absorbers.…
Measurement of the electromagnetic form factors of $\pi$ and $K$ mesons at the SPS - CERN Document Server
This experiment will measure the electro-magnetic form factors of $\pi$ and K mesons by determining the elastic scattering cross sections of these particles from stationary electrons in a liquid hydrogen target. It is planned to use an incident beam…
Quark – Wikimedia Commons
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Frankfurter Universitätsreden - Universität Frankfurt am Main - Google Books
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Nuclear and particle physics - E. B. Paul - Google Books
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OGND - results/titledata
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