20 Ergebnisse für: medica_
Citrus fruits – Wikimedia Commons
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Category:Citrus × limon – Wikimedia Commons
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"Die Horti des Maecenas auf dem Esquilin in Rom - eine diachrone Topographie" - Horti Maecenatiani - Horti Maecenatis - Orti di Mecenate - Maecenatiani - Maecenatis - ROMA - Rome - URBS
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Ioannis Huxhami Opera physico-medica - Google Books
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Ayurvedic Medicine: The Principles of Traditional Practice - Sebastian Pole - Google Books
Ayurvedic Medicine brings the unique theories and traditions of Ayurveda alive so that they are accessible to the complementary health practitioner of today. This book offers a clear, accessible and yet detailed guide to Ayurvedic herbalism. It encompasses…
Prospects in Diagnosis and Treatment of Breast Cancer: Proceedings of the ... - Google Books
These papers are from a symposium which was organized with the following objectives: to bring together research-oriented clinicians and tumor biologists; to focus on mechanisms of factors of tumor biology with prognostic relevance; and to evaluate aspects…
Turba Delirantium - Kurzbiographie der Hildegard von Bingen
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Diabetes: Krankenkassenchef für Zuckersteuer
Diabetes ist die Ursache vieler Leiden. Wegen der steigenden Zahl der Erkrankten, fordert der Chef der Krankenkasse AOK Rheinland/Hamburg nun Konsequenzen. Er schlägt die Einführung einer Zuckersteuer vor.