11 Ergebnisse für: m171562
World's first manned flight with an electric multicopter - YouTube
The first manned flight with an electric vertical take-off and landing multicopter (eVTOL) was performed by Volocopter. The flight lasted 90 seconds, after w...
Containers falling because of wind. Netherlands 18-01-2018 - YouTube
Containers are falling of heavy winds today.
Belly Of The Beast - Helicopters - YouTube
This episode is from the tv show "Belly of the Beast" on the Discovery Channel.
The Longest Hop - Qantas' Kangaroo Route - YouTube
Qantas celebrates its 60th anniversary of flying the Kangaroo Route between Australia and the United Kingdom on 1 December, 2007
Terrafugia Transition - First Flight Video Press Release - YouTube
A Video News Release of the first flight of the Terrafugia Transition. The Transition achieved first flight on March 5th, 2009 in Plattsburgh, NY. The Transi...
Helikopter- landing on a Strongman - YouTube
Johann Lafer is landing with his Helikopter on the sholders of Strongman Oliver Gratzer
H145M: Das kann der neue Hubschrauber für Spezialkräfte der Bundeswehr - YouTube
Der H145M, der neue Hubschrauber der Luftwaffe, wird ab 2017 Spezialkräfte der Bundeswehr im Einsatz fliegen. M steht für die militärische Variante des neuen...
60 Sekunden Bundeswehr: CH-53 (Transporthubschrauber) - YouTube
Die CH-53 ist das Lastentier der Bundeswehr. In fast jedem Einsatz fliegt sie und sorgt in den entlegensten Gebieten der Welt für Bewegungsfreiheit. Mit bis ...
Sikorsky S-52 First Helicopter Loop - 1949 - YouTube
H E "Tommy" Thompson loops the Sikorsky S-52 helicopter in 1949. First recorded helicopter loop from 8mm movie. Thompson also set an international speed reco...
180 Autorotation accident - Low rotor RPM - YouTube
According to the pilot-in-command (PIC), he was performing autorotations at the lower part of the main rotor rpm green arc in part due to weight consideratio...