314 Ergebnisse für: littoral
Two new littoral combat ships join the US fleet
Over the next few years, the Navy will start accepting littoral combat ships at a fever pitch as the fleet builds up to the programmed 32 hulls and beyond.
Ségolène Royal rappelle la nécessité que l’Union européenne se mobilise très fortement pour limiter l’exposition des citoyens aux perturbateurs endocriniens - Ministère de l'Environnement, de l'Energie et de la Mer
La France est attachée au principe de précaution et milite pour la définition et l'identification de critères relatifs aux perturbateurs endocriniens au niveau européen dès que possible cette (...)
Category:Littoral Combat Ships – Wikimedia Commons
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LCS Crewing, Operating, Basing Schemes Are Changing
After more than twelve years insisting the unique crewing and modularity schemes for the Littoral Combat Ship will work, US Navy leaders are changing those plans as part of a larger shakeup of the long-troubled program.
Germany’s F125 Special Forces and Stabilization Frigates
F125 Concept(click to expand) Over the last decade, a belief has taken root in global naval circles that shallow littoral chokepoints for maritime trade, operations in and around failed states like Somalia, and expeditionary stabilization operations,…
ZDB-Katalog - Suchergebnisseite: iss="0749-0208"
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Mauritanien - Google-Suche
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Rade de Brest – Wikimedia Commons
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Category:USS Independence (LCS-2) – Wikimedia Commons
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