238 Ergebnisse für: ligand
Ligand.co.de - Ihr Ligand Shop
Validierung der Leistungsfähigkeit von Bewertungsfunktionen zur Vorhersage von Bindungsaffinitätsdifferenzen auf Basis von Ligand-Paar-Datensätzen..., TREATISE ON NOVEL LIGANDS als Buch von DR. PIYUSHKUMAR VYAS, BHARGAV TRIVEDI, Piyushkumar Vyas, …
Joerg Kurt Wegner
java, cheminformatics, algorithm, structure based drug design (SBDD), ligand based drug design (LBDD)
Joerg Kurt Wegner
java, cheminformatics, algorithm, structure based drug design (SBDD), ligand based drug design (LBDD)
Joerg Kurt Wegner - CV
java, cheminformatics, algorithm, structure based drug design (SBDD), ligand based drug design (LBDD), protease, polymerase, fragment-based drug design (FBDD), hit2lead, library enrichment, business-IT
"chemokin CCL17 - Google-Suche
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Affinity And Efficacy: The Components Of Drug-receptor Interactions - Ehlert Frederick J - Google Books
The interaction of a drug with a receptor generates a code of information having components of affinity and efficacy. How this information is translated into a response depends on the unique cells, tissue, organ or system in which the receptor resides.…
"ghost site" - Google-Suche
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Angiotensin.co.de - Ihr Angiotensin Shop
Characterization of the Angiotensin receptor AT2 by various studies als Buch von Chirag Mandavia, Frontiers in Research of the Renin-Angiotensin System on Human Disease als eBook Download von, The Renin-Angiotensin System: Current Research Progress in…
Dynamics, Structure, and Function of Biological Macromolecules - North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Scientific Affairs Division - Google Books
A collection of articles looking at modern structural biology, summarizing the applications of physical methods - such as x-ray diffraction, high resolution nuclear magnetic resonance and molecular dynamics - to the study of protein structure and dynamics.…
Azaferrocen, Phosphaferrocen - RÖMPP, Thieme
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