208 Ergebnisse für: leifer
Dieter Hoffmann Rede zur Vernissage von Christiane Latendorf und Host Leifer in Pulsnitz bei Dresden
Dieter Hoffmann Rede zur Vernissage von Christiane Latendorf und Host Leifer in Pulsnitz bei Dresden
Egon-Ranshofen-Wertheimer-Preis geht 2017 an Paul Leifer - Braunau
BRAUNAU. Der Egon-Ranshofen-Wertheimer-Preis wird heuer an Botschafter i. R. Paul Leifer verliehen. Dies hat der Gemeinderat der Stadt Braunau auf Vorschlag des Vereins fü Zeitgeschichte Braunau einstimmig beschlossen.
Hasso-Plattner-Institut: Prof. Larry Leifer, PhD
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Dictionary of the Modern Politics of Southeast Asia - Michael Leifer - Google Books
This comprehensive Dictionary provides descriptive and analytical coverage of the turbulent political history and striking changes which have occurred both regionally and in key countries since the end of the Second World War. Substantially rewritten to…
Dictionary of the Modern Politics of South-East Asia - Michael Leifer - Google Books
This comprehensive Dictionaryprovides descriptive and analytical coverage of the turbulent political history and striking changes which have occurred both regionally and in key countries since the end of the Second World War. Substantially rewritten to…
Bombay And The Germans - Google Books
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Bombay And The Germans - Google Books
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Bombay And The Germans - Google Books
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OGND - results/titledata
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