4 Ergebnisse für: labbad
Zusammenstöße in Ägypten: "Die Lage ist extrem instabil" - Politik - Tagesspiegel
In der Nacht zu Montag gab es eine blutige Konfrontation zwischen Armee und Muslimbruderschaft in Ägypten. Wird das Land in einem Bürgerkrieg enden? Ein Interview mit dem ägyptischen Politikwissenschaftler Mustafa El-Labbad.
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Turkey's Relations with the West and the Muslim World: A Fine Balancing Act - Qantara.de
Critics in the West maintained that Ankara's decision to improve its relations with its Muslim neighbours was motivated primarily by religious and ideological concerns. But Turkey's recent tense relations with Iran demonstrate this assumption's basic…
The Arab League and the Conflict in Syria: The Unexpected Renaissance of the Arab League - Qantara.de
The Arab League is taking a remarkably firm line towards the regime of Bashar al-Assad in Syria, which is setting its face against reform. Loay Mudhoon argues that this is a reaction to the revolutionary events and the regional shifts in power in the Arab…