7 Ergebnisse für: l96a1
The Yugoslav M56 Submachine Gun: Perhaps Too Simple? - YouTube
Failed to sell at auction. The M-56 is a Yugoslav take on the MP-40 design, produced starting in 1956 to replace its previously issued M49 submachine gun (wh...
Yugoslavia's PPSh Lookalike: The M49/57 - YouTube
http://www.patreon.com/ForgottenWeapons Cool Forgotten Weapons merch! http://shop.bbtv.com/collections/forgotten-weapons Shortly after the end of World War T...
Type 89 Knee Mortar - YouTube
http://www.patreon.com/ForgottenWeapons Hammer price: $2,500 The Type 89 grenade discharger, commonly known as the "knee mortar" was a Japanese light infantr...
The Beretta AR70 - YouTube
Sold for $3,450. After failing to acquire a license to produce the M16 rifle, Beretta worked with SIG from 1963 through 1968 to develop 5.56mm infantry rifle...
Gewehr 43 - YouTube
Cool Forgotten Weapons Merch! http://shop.bbtv.com/collections/forgotten-weapons German ordnance began looking for a military selfloading rifle to augment th...
Pancor Jackhammer: The Real One - YouTube
Cool Forgotten Weapons Merch! http://shop.bbtv.com/collections/forgotten-weapons The Pancor Jackhammer was a select-fire combat shotgun designed by John Ande...
Das sind die Gewinner der Eyes & Ears Awards 2016 - DWDL.de
Die Branche jubelt: Am Donnerstag sind die Eyes & Ears Awards 2016 für Design, Promotion und besondere Digital-Leistungen der TV-Branche vergeben worden. Bei den unzähligen Kategorien stand dann auch jeder mal auf dem Treppchen.