183 Ergebnisse für: kubitzki
Category:Jörg Kubitzki – Wikimedia Commons
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Jörg Kubitzki: DIE LINKE. Fraktion im Thüringer Landtag
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Wahlen in Brandenburg: CDU gewinnt zwei Landratswahlen (neues-deutschland.de)
Bei der Landratswahl in Spree-Neiße schaffte es Steffen Kubitzki (AfD) als Zweitplatzierter in die Stichwahl. Seine Chance gegen Harald Altekrüger (CDU) ist jedoch gering.
Im Alleingang - Tatort - ARD | Das Erste
Bernd Eckermann, Personalchef einer renommierten Sicherheitsfirma, wird in der Tiefgarage seines Arbeitsplatzes erschossen aufgefunden. Firmeninterne Ermittlungen lenken die Spur auf Volker Kubitzki, einen Personenschützer, der von...
Flowering Plants. Eudicots: Berberidopsidales, Buxales, Crossosomatales ... - Google Books
In this volume, the ninth of the series, treatments are offered for 52 families containing 432 genera belonging to 13 eudicot orders, many of which have recently been newly designed; four families remain unassigned to order. Emphasis is on the…
Flowering Plants. Monocotyledons: Lilianae (except Orchidaceae) - Google Books
When Rolf Dahlgren and I embarked on preparing this book series, Rolf took prime responsibility for monocotyledons, which had interested him for a long time. After finishing his comparative study and family classification of the mono cots, he devoted much…
OGND - results/titledata
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Flowering Plants. Dicotyledons: Celastrales, Oxalidales, Rosales, Cornales ... - Google Books
Compiled and written for advanced students, this encyclopedia contains a comprehensive treatment of the taxonomy of the families and genera of ferns and seed plants. The present volume, the sixth in this series, deals with five groups of dicotyledons, the…