34 Ergebnisse für: kodeksas

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    DELFI - Populiariausia partija Lietuvoje išlieka valdantieji socialdemokratai. Jeigu rinkimai vyktų artimiausią savaitgalį, Algirdo Butkevičiaus vadovaujama partija gautų 15,8 proc. respondentų balsų.

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    DELFI - Seimo nariu Vilniaus Žirmūnų apygardoje sekmadienį išrinktas liberalas Šarūnas Gustainis, nedidele persvarą aplenkęs konservatorę Radvilę Morkūnaitę-Mikulėnienę, rodo preliminarūs Vyriausiosios rinkimų komisijos duomenys.

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    site.title - Lithuanian Minister of National Defence Juozas Olekas has appointed Brigadier General Algis Vaičeliūnas as the ministry's inspector general, the ministry said on Tuesday.

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    site.title - Lithuanian basketball player Žydrūnas Ilgauskas, who has received the United States citizenship, is going to lose his Lithuanian passport. This has been confirmed by Lithuanian Deputy Minister of the Interior Elvinas Jankevičius.

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    DELFI - Вайдотас Антанайтис, министр лесного хозяйства первого правительства восстановленной Литовской Республики, скончался в субботу в возрасте 89 лет, сообщили новостные порталы.

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    site.title - Lithuania's President Dalia Grybauskaitė presented letters of credence to the new ambassador to Poland, Šarūnas Adomavičius, on Monday.

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    site.title - Liberal Movement leader Eligijus Masiulis is withdrawing from the party leader‘s position and renouncing his parliamentary mandate after Lithuania‘s anti-fraud police raided his home and launched a probe into allegations he received a €100,000…

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    site.title - Famous Lithuanian singer and poet Stasys Povilaitis passed away in the morning of 6 October after a serious illness at the age of 69.

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    site.title - The Lithuanian parliament has ratified the treaty establishing the European Stability Mechanism. The agreement was signed by the euro area countries in Brussels in 2012 and amended in 2014.

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    site.title - Outgoing Vilnius Mayor Artūras Zuokas, of the Lithuanian Freedom Union (Liberals) (LLS), says that his defeat in Vilnius mayoral election will only push him to venture into national politics. Zuokas says that we will run for presidency in…

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