31 Ergebnisse für: karnac
Enduring Migration through the Life Cycle - Google Books
Migration in the last decades resulted in mayor conflicts in all aspects of society. This book addresses the psychological response to migration and explores the emotional response to both, the change of habitat and changes in life cycle. Quite often the…
The Evolution of Winnicott's Thinking: Examining the Growth of ... - Margaret Boyle Spelman - Google Books
What happens to the thinking of a thinker who refuses a discipleship? This book attempts to answer this question in relation to D. W. Winnicott and the evolution of his thinking. He eschewed a following, privileging the independence of his thinking and…
The Language of Psychoanalysis - Jean Laplanche, Jean-Bertrand Pontalis - Google Books
Sigmund Freud evolved his theories throughout his lifetime. This entailed many revisions and changes which he himself never tried to standardize rigidly into a definitive conceptual system. The need for some sort of a reliable guide which would spell out…
Jung on War, Politics and Nazi Germany: Exploring the Theory of Archetypes ... - Nicholas Lewin - Google Books
In the thirties Jung was at the height of his powers and found himself swept up in the international politics of his day. At this time he was president of what was to become the International General Medical Society for Psychotherapy. As a consequence of…
Developmental Science and Psychoanalysis: Integration and Innovation - Google Books
As a discipline, psychoanalysis began at the interface of mind and brain and has always been about those most basic questions of biology and psychology: loving, hating, what brings us together as lovers, parents, and friends and what pulls us apart in…
Female Sexuality: The Early Psychoanalytic Controversies - Google Books
The papers collected together in this volume laid the groundwork for contemporary psychoanalytic women's studies and gender theory. They cover a period from June 1917, when Johan van Ophuijsen presented his paper on the masculinity complex in women to the…
Memory in Dispute - Google Books
'This is a much-needed book - experienced clinicians writing intelligently about one of the most fraught and complex clinical problems facing psychotherapy today. We have patients who are suffering - suffering because of memories of experiences with which…
The Dictionary of the Work of W.R. Bion - Rafael E. López-Corvo - Google Books
This impressive work constitutes an important and timely addition to existing dictionaries of psychoanalytic ideas. It is not intended to replace the reading of Bion's original texts nor is it a biography of W.R. Bion, the man. A brief history of Bion's…
Multiple Family Therapy: The Marlborough Model and Its Wider Applications - Google Books
If a troubled family contains the resources to solve its own problems, then why not bring such families together, to share their experiences and support each other?This is the approach of the Marlborough Family Service, the institution at the forefront of…
Group Relations Conferences: Tradition, Creativity, and Succession in the ... - Google Books
This book is a compilation of chapters based on presentations at the third Group Relations (GR) international meeting in Belgirate, Italy in November 2009, plus a number of pieces from participants reflecting on their experience of the meeting. The book…