116 Ergebnisse für: kahan
Bente Kahan erhält Brückepreis - WELT
Bente Kahan erhält Brückepreis
“How Will We Remember the Jews of Europe?” Bente Kahan on the Holocaust in Poland - YouTube
Bente Kahan, Jewish-Norwegian performing artist, describes why it's important for there to be Jewish institutions on European soil in addition to the ones in...
Bente Kahan and Jidisz far Alle - YouTube
Bente Kahan, Jewish-Norwegian performing artist, explains her "Jidisz Far Alle" project. To learn more about the Yiddish Book Center’s Wexler Oral History Pr...
Bente Kahan Sings the Yiddish Song that Reminds Her Most of her Father - YouTube
Bente Kahan, Jewish-Norwegian performing artist, sings a Yiddish song that reminds her of her father, and explains what about the song speaks to her. To lear...
Stolpersteine Bremen
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OFDb - Filme mit Beteiligung von Steve Kahan
Die Online-Filmdatenbank ist das einzigartige Portal zu Filmen, Fassungen und Filmkritiken und bietet zudem Kinostarts, Trailer und Filmographien.
Deutsches Kulturforum östliches Europa
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Deutsches Kulturforum östliches Europa
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Henry Krystal - YouTube
Henry Krystal was born in Sosnowiec, Poland in 1925. Shortly after the Nazi invasion, Henry's brother and then father escaped to the Soviet occupied zone of ...