6 Ergebnisse für: judahite
The Holy City: Jerusalem in the Theology of the Old Testament - Leslie J. Hoppe - Google Books
For millions of believers, Jerusalem is one of the world's holiest cities. Pilgrims from three major religions - Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, each of which is heir to Old Testament theological tradition - flock to Jerusalem where many of their most…
Life in Biblical Israel - Philip J. King, Lawrence E. Stager - Google Books
This special-edition volume of the Library of Ancient Israel, based on the latest research, presents a vivid description of the world of Ancient Israel, covering such topics as domestic life, the means of existence, cultural expression, and religious…
Prof. Dr. Robert Wenning
Privatdozenten / Lehrbeauftragte
UZH - Religionswissenschaftliches Seminar - Christoph Uehlinger
Lexikon :: bibelwissenschaft.de
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