32 Ergebnisse für: jihadis
British women joining jihad in Syria - YouTube
Channel 4 News has obtained new footage from Bilal Abdul Kareem an American Muslim, who is filming western jihadis. He says he wants to show the reality of t...
Fault Lines in Global Jihad: Organizational, Strategic, and Ideological Fissures - Google Books
This book deals with the causes, nature, and impact of the divisions within the jihadi movement, and the splits between jihadis and other Islamic groups. Fault Lines in Global Jihad offers a systematic and comprehensive examination of the broad range of…
Pakistan in Gefahr | Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung
Pakistan droht ins Chaos abzurutschen. Eine Rezension des Bestsellers „Descent into Chaos“ von Ahmed Rashid liefert Hintergrundinformationen zur gefährlichen Situation in diesem strategisch wichtigen Staat.
"Trump has just given jihadis a thousand reasons to stage fake flag operations" BBC News - YouTube
Former British Ambassador to Syria Peter Ford believes that the chemical attack in the rebel-held town of Khan Sheikhoun may not have been committed by the A...
Addendum.co.de - Ihr Addendum Shop
Management Program als Buch von Coronado National Park Service, Addendum to Report of the Attorney General for the Year Ending June 30, 1998 (Classic Reprint) als Buch von Mass. Office of the Attorney General, The Soul of the First Amendment , Hörbuch,…
Is the Middle East’s newest country a territory called “Rojava”? Out of the chaos of Syria’s civil war, mainly Kurdish leftists have forged an egalitarian, m...
Ratlose Dschihadisten | Telepolis
In einschlägigen Foren herrscht Verunsicherung, weil man nicht so recht weiß, was die Aufstände in Tunesien und Ägypten für die eigene Sache bedeuten. Zawahiri schweigt
Jihadology auf Twitter: "New statement from Ḥizb al-Islāmī al-Turkistānī in Bilād al-Shām: “Condolences on the Martyrdom of Shaykh Rashīd… https://t.co/Q4b2vVZGFD"
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Jihadology auf Twitter: "New video nashīd from Ḥizb al-Islāmī al-Turkistānī in Bilād al-Shām: “The Sacrificer of… https://t.co/kH3yzYaVre https://t.co/hQhCbiTqze"
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State.co.de - Ihr State Shop
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