7 Ergebnisse für: hulc
HULC Exoskeleton Promo Vid - YouTube
Corporate video from Lockheed
Neue Militärtechnik: So kämpft der Soldat von morgen - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Mini-Kameras am Helm, Tarnkappen-Drohnen am Himmel, Hilfsskelette namens "Hulc": Eliteeinheiten begreifen sich auch technologisch als Speerspitze der Streitkräfte. Sie sind oft die Ersten, die von Hightech-Entwicklungen profitieren - und neue Waffen wie…
Two RC helicopters lift a woman - Aviation Milestone & World Record (HeliGraphix HULC project) - YouTube
World record and aviation milestone: The first ever remote-controlled human flight, achieved by two MODEL helis effortlessly lifting a grown-up person. Most ...
How does it work? RC helis lift woman - world's strongest model helis (HeliGraphix HULC) - YouTube
Even more world record flights: 6x woman and 1x man are lifted by our two world's strongest model helicopters. How it works plus training flights are shown i...
RC helicopter weight lifting record 30kg/66 lbs - record heavy lifter - YouTube
A truly insane record: The world's strongest 700-size R/C helicopter lifting 30 kg (66 lbs). And there's much more to come! Now, to avoid a misunderstanding:...
World's first Wall Start of an R/C Helicopter (2004) - YouTube
This is the world's first start of an R/C heli from a vertical wall (quite some cool action back in 2004). The first Wall Landing was also performed by us in...
HeliGraphix.com - YouTube
International R/C helicopter stunts and records, performed by a private group of friends (all non-commercial). Winner of two international film awards. More ...