160 Ergebnisse für: homeri
Lauremberg, Peter, Werk, Neue und vermehrte ACERRA PHILOLOGICA, Das andere Hundert nützlicher und lustiger Satzungen, 18. Des Homeri Schrifften - Zeno.org
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Lauremberg, Peter, Werk, Neue und vermehrte ACERRA PHILOLOGICA, Das andere Hundert nützlicher und lustiger Satzungen, 18. Des Homeri Schrifften - Zeno.org
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Homeri Ilias - Homer - Google Books
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Homeri Ilias - Homer - Google Books
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Eustathii Archiepiscopi Thessalonicensis Commentarii ad Homeri Odysseam - Eustathius - Google Books
Johann Gottfried Stallbaum (1793-1861) published Eustathii Archiepiscopi Thessalonicensis Commentarii ad Homeri Odysseam between 1825 and 1826. It contains the Greek text of Eustathius of Thessalonica's twelfth-century commentary on Homer's Odyssey. Volume…
Indices in "Eustathii `Commentarios' Ad Homeri `Iliadem' Pertinentes Ad ... - Helena Maria Keizer - Google Books
Until now Eustathius' monumental commentary (12th century) on Homer's "Iliad" in the erudite four-volume edition (1971-1987) of Dr M. van der Valk lacked a suitable tool to access it. This index volume is designed to serve the user in at least four ways.…
Varietatem Interpretationis Locorvm Qvorvmdam Difficiliorvm In Carminibvs Homeri - Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek
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Herodoti Halicarnassei de genere vitaque Homeri libellus, a C. Heresbachio ... - Google Books
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"Jove der Vater" - Google-Suche
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Indices in "Eustathii `Commentarios' Ad Homeri `Iliadem' Pertinentes Ad ... - Helena Maria Keizer - Google Books
Until now Eustathius' monumental commentary (12th century) on Homer's "Iliad" in the erudite four-volume edition (1971-1987) of Dr M. van der Valk lacked a suitable tool to access it. This index volume is designed to serve the user in at least four ways.…