12 Ergebnisse für: hasidim
Institut für Judaistik: DFG-Projekt: Juden und Christen im Sefer Hasidim („Buch der Frommen“)
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Institut für Judaistik: DFG-Projekt: Juden und Christen im Sefer Hasidim („Buch der Frommen“)
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Williamsburg, Hochburg der Ultraorthodoxen | NZZ
Williamsburg in Brooklyn ist mit dem Zuzug von Kunstschaffenden und jungen Familien zu einer der coolsten Wohngegenden New Yorks geworden. Aber nicht alle Alteingesessenen sind darüber erfreut.
Eros and the Jews: From Biblical Israel to Contemporary America - David Biale - Google Books
Contradictory stereotypes about Jewish sexuality pervade modern culture, from Lenny Bruce's hip eroticism to Woody Allen's little man with the big libido (and even bigger sexual neurosis). Does Judaism in fact liberate or repress sexual desire? David Biale…
Wunder und Wundertäter im frührabbinischen Judentum: Studien zum Phänomen ... - Michael Becker - Google Books
English summary: Michael Becker examines the early rabbinical traditions of miracles and miracle workers. He gives a detailed analysis of magic, demonism, the terminology of miracles and the narrative tradition. He focuses on the miracle worker traditions…
Antonioâ s Devils: Writers of the Jewish Enlightenment and the Birth of ... - Jeremy Dauber - Google Books
Antonio's Devils deals both historically and theoretically with the origins of modern Hebrew and Yiddish literature by tracing the progress of a few remarkable writers who, for various reasons and in various ways, cited Scripture for their own purpose,…
Category:Synagogues in Israel – Wikimedia Commons
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On the Main Line: Yekkes in black hats.
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Judah and the Judeans in the Fourth Century B.C.E. - Google Books
During the past decade, the period from the 7th century B.C.E. and later has been a major focus because it is thought to be the era when much of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament was formed. As a result, there has also been much interest in the historical…
Category:Hasidic Judaism – Wikimedia Commons
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