93 Ergebnisse für: harmonics
Visualization of Spherical Harmonics
ICGEM: International Centre for Global Earth Models
Category:Images which should use TeX – Wikimedia Commons
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US8022286B2 - Sound-object oriented analysis and note-object oriented processing of polyphonic sound recordings - Google Patents
A method of sound-object oriented analysis and of note-object oriented processing a polyphonic digitized sound recording present in the form of a time signal F(A, t) includes the following analytical and processing steps: portion-wise readouts of the…
Practical Variable Speed Drives and Power Electronics - Malcolm Barnes - Google Books
Typical practical applications of VSDs in process control and materials handling, such as those for pumping, ventilation, conveyers, compressors and hoists are covered in detail. · Provides a fundamental understanding of the installation, operation and…
Category:Ambisonics – Wikimedia Commons
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Gezeitenkalender :: XTide - Vorhersage Server :: Ebbe und Flut :: Tidenkalender
Freier Gezeitenkalender mit Gezeiten-Vorhersagen für viele Orte weltweit
MPQ 163: Zusammenfassung
Im Fokus der wissenschaftlichen Aktivitäten des Max-Planck-Instituts für Quantenoptik steht die Wechselwirkung von Licht und Materie unter extremen Bedingungen.
Madosini Motokali - YouTube
Madosini is a South African Xhosa cultural treasure who plays instruments similar to those the first humans created thousands of years ago when they were fir...
Benjamin Koren: Heussenstamm-Galerie
Die Heussenstamm-Stiftung fördert und unterstützt Frankfurter Künstler
Category:Vuvuzelas – Wikimedia Commons
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