23 Ergebnisse für: hanshu
Genealogie: Chinas Kampf um Rom | ZEIT ONLINE
Stammen die Bewohner des chinesischen Dorfes Liqian tatsächlich von Römern ab? Manche Forscher glauben daran. Andere wittern ein Geschäft
Oriens extremus - Google Books
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Man and Environment - Google Books
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OGND - results/titledata
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"25 Dynastiegeschichten" - Google-Suche
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Etudes chinoises: bulletin de l'Association française d'études chinoises - Google Books
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Reconstructing Ancient Korean History: The Formation of Korean-ness in the ... - Stella Xu - Google Books
This book examines the contested re-readings of “Korea” in early Chinese historical records and their influence on the formation of Korean-ness in later periods. The earliest written records on “Koreans” are found in Chinese documents produced during the…
Filial Piety in Chinese Thought and History - Google Books
The phenomenon of filial piety is fundamental to our understanding of Chinese culture, and this excellent collection of essays explores its role in various areas of life throughout history. Often regarded as the key to preserving Chinese tradition and…
SEHEPUNKTE - Rezension von: Imperiale Politik und provinziale Entwicklung - Ausgabe 3 (2003), Nr. 4
Rezension über Axel Gebhardt: Imperiale Politik und provinziale Entwicklung. Untersuchungen zum Verhältnis von Kaiser, Heer und Städten im Syrien der vorseverischen Zeit (= KLIO. Beiträge zur Alten Geschichte. Beihefte. Neue Folge; Bd. 4), Berlin: Akademie…
Good Son is Sad If He Hears the Name of His Father: The Tabooing of Names in ... - Piotr Adamek - Google Books
When in 1775 the scholar Wang Xihou compiled a dictionary called Ziguan , he wrote, for illustrative purposes, the personal names of Confucius and the three emperors Kangxi, Yongzheng and Qianlong in the introduction. In oversight, he recorded their…