65 Ergebnisse für: grafting

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    This book has been written to assist not only postgraduate students, but also int- ested dermatologists, general practitioners, and surgeons. During the last two decades, various surgical therapies have been used in the tre- ment of stable refractory…

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    Abeta Peptide and Alzheimer´s Disease als Buch von, Neuronal Grafting and Alzheimer´s Disease als Buch von, Novel Approaches to the Treatment of Alzheimer´s Disease als Buch von, Stopp Alzheimer!, OCUVITE Makula Kapseln 84 Stück,

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    Nearly broke in spring 1956, Studebaker-Packard Corp. brought out a last-gasp value leader in its luxury Packard brand, the Executive. Created by grafting th...

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    Guide to cultivating peyote and other psychoactive cacti and extracting active properties, including obtaining seeds, growing a variety of cacti, cloning, and grafting, and extracting the maximum output of mescaline and other alkaloids, descriptions of…

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    1st-generation microkernels have a reputation of being too slow and too inflexible. This paper shows that 2nd-generation microkernels such as L4 have overcome these limitations.

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    The Apple as Affected by Varying Degrees of Dormant and Seasonal Pruning (Classic Reprint) als Buch von W. H. Alderman, You Bet Your Garden, Pruning, May 10, 2007, Hörbuch, Digital, 1, 49min, Tree Pruning als Buch von Amédée J. de Pérusse Des Cars, …

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    Zusammenfassung Einleitung: Die konventionelle operative Myokardrevaskularisation unter Verwendung der Herz-Lungen-Maschine ist seit mehreren Jahrzehnten der Standard. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Bewertung neuerer Verfahren zur Bypassoperation in der...

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    Penisverkrümmung: Die urologische Privatpraxis von Prof. Dr. Porst bietet therapeutische Möglichkeiten bei einer Prenisverkrümmung.

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