8 Ergebnisse für: glyptic
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Prof. Dr. Reinhard Dittmann
Mitarbeiter - Professoren
Bab Edh-Dhra': Excavations at the Town Site - 2 Parts - Walter E. Rast, R. Thomas Schaub - Google Books
The important Early Bronze Age site of B b edh-Dhr ', on the lisan near the Dead Sea in Jordan, was first excavated by Paul W. Lapp in the 1960s. The first volume of the Reports of the Expedition described the burial practices and artifacts revealed in the…
Susa and Elam. Archaeological, Philological, Historical and Geographical ... - Google Books
In December 2009, an international congress was held at Ghent University in order to investigate, exactly 20 years after the 36th RAI Mésopotamie et Elam , the present state of our knowledge of the Elamite and Susean society from archaeological,…
Category:Glyptics – Wikimedia Commons
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Wikiversity:Fellow-Programm Freies Wissen/Fellows2018 – Wikiversity
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