7 Ergebnisse für: gjin
Muzaka Musachi - Google-Suche
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Report TV - Delvinë, xhamia me emër të krishterë,pikë ndalese për turistët - YouTube
Xhamia historike e Gjin Aleksit në Rusan të Delvinës kthehet destinacion turistik për vizitorët e huaj. E ndërtuar në rrënojat e një Kishe, në oborrin e xham...
kryengritje 1914 - Google-Suche
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The Despotate of Epiros 1267-1479: A Contribution to the History of Greece ... - Donald M. Nicol - Google Books
The district of Epiros in north-western Greece became an independent province following the Fourth Crusade and the dismemberment of the Byzantine Empire by the Latins in 1204. It retained its independence despite the recovery of Constantinople by the…
Claas Relotius: Was wir über seine Beiträge in der NZZaS wissen
Ein deutscher Journalist manipuliert im grossen Stil Reportagen. Auch die «NZZ am Sonntag» publizierte vor einigen Jahren sechs Texte von ihm.
phoenix_13_14 - artikulli 10
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