5 Ergebnisse für: ghostwritten
Dead Punk Stars † Band: Old Skull
Keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
"Junge mit Charakter": Fler kündigt Disstrack an - 16BARS.DE
Fler nimmt offenbar Abstand von Statements und plant in klassischer Hip Hop-Beef-Manier einen Disstr...
Variationen über das Ende der Zivilisation | NZZ
Die Romane von David Mitchell, Jahrgang 1969, gleichen einer metaphysischen Achterbahnfahrt durch Zeiten, Genres und Stile, die einem den Atem benimmt. Mitchells ungeheures Talent katapultierte ihn zu Recht sofort unter die wichtigen jüngeren Autoren…
They Married Adventure: The Wandering Lives of Martin and Osa Johnson - Pascal James Imperato, Eleanor M. Imperato - Google Books
Martin and Osa Johnson thrilled American audiences of the 1920s and 30s with their remarkable movies of far-away places, exotic peoples, and the dramatic spectacle of African wildlife. Their own lives were as exciting as the movies they made--sailing…
Practical Decision Making in Health Care Ethics: Cases and Concepts, Third ... - Raymond J. Devettere - Google Books
For nearly fifteen years Practical Decision Making in Health Care Ethics has offered scholars and students a highly accessible and teachable alternative to the dominant principle-based theories in the field. Devettere’s approach is not based on an ethics…